Owning a property is seen by most people as one of their greatest life accomplishments. As far as they are concerned, the fulfilment that comes with it is second to none. Whether it is finding your dream house, getting the best deal on an office complex, or acquiring land in the choicest locations, almost everyone wants little or no risk involved,
Sadly, many people (especially in this part of the world) in a quest to fulfil their life-long dreams have fallen prey to defrauders and swindlers with no means to get back their money. Others have purchased inferior properties that are almost worthless in the long run.
How then do you avoid these eventualities while making your dreams come true? Are you looking to own a property someday? These are five of the many things you should look out for.
1. Location of Property
Make no mistake about it; the location of the property that you want to acquire is very important. Most people take this for granted, only to discover that they have made a great mistake with their choice of location. The location of the property that you are about to acquire is important for a lot of reasons.
Depending on your needs and preferences, some of the things to consider may include; it has to have a good road network or access, it has to be closer to the city or where you work, it should have certain basic amenities like water and electricity, or at least, make it easy to get one. The history of natural environmental disasters like flooding, erosion, and landslides should be properly considered. The history of communal crises, ethnic wars, and barbaric cultures should also be checked out before you buy any property.
2. Size of property
Most people get so excited about the outward appearance of a property that they don’t take the time to check for size to ensure that it is the right fit for what they want. This is important; don’t just pay for a property, review what the property was built for and check to ensure that it will serve your specific purpose.
If you are going to use it for your business, ensure that you are clear on the structure of your business, how many staff members you are going to have, how many offices you will need, and how it will be designed and departmentalized. If it’s for residential purposes, how many children do you have or would you like to have, How many rooms would you want to have? What kind of interior or exterior do you want? What is the potential for future projects? These things and more should be considered and clearly defined.
3. Purchasing Plan
This is a very vital factor that must be carefully dealt with. Don’t take it lightly, because most people have lost huge sums of money because they didn’t ask the right questions. They have jumped into contracts that they didn’t read through with their lawyer, only to find out later that the payment plan that they ignorantly subscribed to was too much for them.
Here at Godsdelight Properties, we make it easier for people to acquire any property of their choice. With our EasyBuy Plan, our clients can begin their journey to owning a house with as little as fifty-eight thousand (58,000) naira monthly. You don’t have to wait until the millions roll in; you can start today by taking advantage of our easy-buy plan.
4. Duration of stay
How long are you planning to stay? If you are looking to stay there for a long time, you have to consider the quality of the house that you are looking for. This is important because it also affects the choice of location, size, and all other factors.
If you are acquiring a property that you intend to use for a long time, you should not only consider today’s goals but also future goals. You want to ensure that the purpose of acquisition will align with the environmental conditions in the years to come.
5. Quality of construction materials
The quality of the materials used for construction is very vital and important. They greatly determine the durability and the experiences you are going to have when the property is finally in use. You don’t want to buy a property and end up spending millions of naira renovating it.
Owning a property is a big deal, so you can’t afford to take chances when buying one, This is why It’s important that you consult trusted professionals like GODSDELIGHT PROPERTIES, who will guarantee you zero dilapidation for a good number of years and lighten the load of finding the right property for you.
Are you looking to buy a property in Port Harcourt? Call +234(0)9160000846 or +234(0)9160000846 now or visit https://www.godsdelightproperties.com to see available properties!
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